Corina Jordan

Panel: Freshwater: The good, the bad and reform
10.30am | Friday 20 September

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As the CEO for Fish and Game, Corina is a strong advocate for environmental sustainability, and access to a healthy natural environment for all. She is dedicated to sharing the benefits of getting out in nature for mental health, fitness and fun with family and friends.

Corina has over 30 years of experience in natural resource management, freshwater ecology, sustainable agriculture, and organisational strategy and leadership. She has been involved with some of the biggest regional plan changes New Zealand has seen in the past 2 decades, to try and address the complex issues of sustainably managing land and water resources. Corina has also sat on a number of National Forums including LAWF, National Objectives Framework, and Freshwater Leaders Group, providing strategic direction in shaping New Zealand's’ approach to natural resource management.

Key focus areas over the last decade include establishing management and extension frameworks for farming which builds community, economic and environmental resilience and wellbeing.